Thursday, January 29, 2009

I Control This Circle

Last week it began to dawn on me how diluted my life had become ... divided between so many things, distractions everywhere and making time for GOD was a challenge. I was concerned with so many things that were unavoidable and unchangeable, until I had to make a decision ... following the old cliché (which I prefer to think of as a proverb, because even though it’s a little tired and overused, it is always relevant and sound advice) to “let go and let GOD”.

I started reading a book by Glyn Barrett, called If I Were the Devil, in which he spoke of “the circle of no control”, which refers to all those things in one’s life that you have no control over – such as the weather, events, other people’s behaviour, including their reactions and responses toward you.

What is the use of worrying over these things when nothing you do can change them?

All that you have control over are your own attitudes, behaviour and actions.

When Glyn reiterated this teaching on the Young Adult camp he led for our church, I began doing something that I’d put off for way too long – being intentional about what I give my time and attention to.

I have an idea about what GOD’s plan for my life involves. I don’t know how or when things will progress, but I do know that I can develop my strengths to the best of my ability, take every opportunity that will stretch me and grow me in the right areas and focus on the gifts GOD has given me for this purpose.

HIS purpose.

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